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How to Clean Jute

Do you have a Jute rug? I do. I actually have two. When we moved into our home I bought these beautiful white jute rugs. They look great. One is in our living room, and the other is in our Kitchen.

I noticed they did shed a bunch when I first got them. I had read some reviews so that didn't shock me. I didn't however, research the proper way to clean them. I own a vacuum and cleaning why would I look into that? I totally got this.

Or do I? At the same time, I had also bought Ruggables. I was only mildly impressed w

ith the Ruggables. They are super flat, with no plushness at all. But, they are (almost) completely washable. I say "almost" because the rug pad does not wash up well. So I have been slightly spoiled with being able to roll up my rugs and toss them into my washer.

Two weeks ago, I was vacuuming and found an ant...then two, then three, then a whole line of them marching around my kitchen. These were the little sugar ants. The annoying ones, not the scary biting ones. So I did the only thing I know to do to get rid of these little annoyances: I started a deep clean. During this clean, I realized how dirty my kitchen jute rug was. I noticed it more when l looked at the underside.

Dirt gets deep into carpets and if you don't have a vacuum with proper agitation and suction, you won't be getting all of it. In my case, because it is jute, I choose to use a tool with gentle agitation and suction, as not to destroy it.

So the dilemma is now how to clean it. I then went to Google and read everywhere that you should NOT wash your jute rug. (I hesitated big time on this because I reeeeeaaallly wanted to). Every site said to have it professionally cleaned. I refuse to have a $64 rug cleaned. (I just looked up what I paid for it...I probably should get a backup because that was a good deal!)

I own a vacuum store. I have cleaning products and carpet cleaners. I have preached for over 20 years how dry cleaning your carpet is the best way to clean. So I decided to try that.

I used the following items:

Oreck Dry Carpet Cleaner

Soil Release PreSpray

Oreck Orbiter

Carpet Bonnet

I think it worked really well. I started by using the bonnet to just "bonnet clean" the rug. Then I added dry

carpet cleaner and not only did I clean the rug, its deodorized and not torn up. I then vacuumed super well with a Riccar R25P.

For more information on how to dry carpet clean...check out our YouTube video:

As always, you can always call or text us if you have more questions about Dry Carpet cleaning. It by far is the BEST way to clean all carpets, but I find we tend to want to see that dirty water being extracted.

But, by not using water, you are eliminating the growth of mold, mildew and the reducing allergens. Plus the carpet will stay cleaner longer!



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