Big Changes in store....OWNER OPERATOR!

I would like to begin by saying THANK YOU.
Thank you for sticking with Oreck of Boca Raton over the past 9 years.. Thank you for hanging in there through our move, staffing changes, product changes and policy changes.
Over the past 9 years I have learned a lot about ownership.
As a small business our first competition was big box retailers, now it has transitioned to online retailers. It’s not easy. But as a specialty retail store we can give you one thing big box and internet retails cannot: CUSTOMER SERVICE.
If ever you felt you didn’t get the most excellent service at my store, I am incredibly sorry. I have decided to make a major change starting today. As of today, the Oreck Store in Boca Raton run by Vac MD will be Owner Operated.
I have been running the store for the past two weeks and it has been so great to be able to interact with customers one-on-one. Each customer has a different story, different needs and makes me smile every day. It is because of you, my customers that the store exists, so how could I not appreciate you so much!
To my current and future customers: We strive for the best customer service you will ever get. We will give you a hundred reasons to not buy at the big box stores or online and we will be 120% focused on our customer service. We are thinking of expanding our store hours to better meet your needs, and we are putting processes in place to make your overall shopping experience memorable.
One small favor to ask of all consumers: Whenever you are going to make a purchase, consider visiting a small business like my store first. If you don't receive excellent service let the owner know. It is valuable information we need in order to improve and keep you as customers. If you receive outstanding service, shout it on the rooftops (social media), give them a google rating or a five star rating on yelp. These all are greatly appreciated by us small businesses trying to make it in a world of internet sales and big box retail stores.
I am looking forward to meeting all our old and new customers. As always, we are a dog friendly, family friendly store. Our product line is always changing so come in often. Hope to see you all soon!